May 15, 2024

Fed. Circ. Sides With Veteran Seeking Pay For Secondary Pain – Law360

By Nicole Rosenthal (June 30, 2022, 6:48 PM EDT) — An Air Force veteran with job-related hearing loss can seek higher disability pay after the Federal Circuit ruled that a lower court erred in denying that his ear pain, caused by hearing devices, was connected to his service.

Walter G. Long, who used to repair air traffic radar systems in the early ’70s, was found to have sustained hearing loss and tinnitus from working near runways without ear protection, but his bid to get a disabil…….

By Nicole Rosenthal (June 30, 2022, 6:48 PM EDT) — An Air Force veteran with job-related hearing loss can seek higher disability pay after the Federal Circuit ruled that a lower court erred in denying that his ear pain, caused by hearing devices, was connected to his service.

Walter G. Long, who used to repair air traffic radar systems in the early ’70s, was found to have sustained hearing loss and tinnitus from working near runways without ear protection, but his bid to get a disability rating for the subsequent pain in his ears was rebuffed when the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims ruled that a direct causal link…

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