May 21, 2024

Back pain is a very common problem. In fact, it is estimated that about 80 percent of people will experience some form of back pain in their lifetime. And unfortunately, this is not just an occasional thing. Back pain can be a long term problem and can even become debilitating.

There are many causes of back pain. The most common cause of back pain is muscle strain or sprain. This type of back pain usually occurs when you overuse a muscle or muscle group. For example, if you lift heavy objects too often or do other activities that involve heavy lifting, your muscles can become strained or even torn.

Another common cause of back pain is bone spurs. A bone spur is actually a small bony growth that forms around the joints of your vertebrae (the bones that make up your spine). These growths can sometimes pinch nerves or irritate them. They can also become infected and cause pain.

Other causes of back pain include spinal stenosis, osteoarthritis, fractures, tumors, infections, inflammation, nerve damage, and muscle strains.

If you have back pain, you need to see your doctor as soon as possible. If you wait too long, you may develop more serious problems.

There are several different types of treatments for back pain. The first step is to determine what kind of back pain you have. You should discuss your symptoms with your doctor so he or she can determine the cause. Your doctor will then decide which treatment is best for you.

Your doctor may recommend that you take pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. These drugs can help relieve your pain and allow you to get through the day. However, they should not be taken regularly. It is important that you only take these drugs as needed.

You may also need to take anti-inflammatory medications such as aspirin. These medications can help reduce swelling and inflammation.

Your doctor may also prescribe a muscle relaxant to help ease your pain. Examples of muscle relaxants include Flexeril and Soma.

You may also receive injections into your spine to provide immediate pain relief. This is called epidural steroid injections.

You may need surgery to remove the source of your pain. This is called laminectomy. Your doctor will evaluate whether you need to undergo surgery.

In severe cases of back pain, you may need to use a wheelchair. Your doctor may also recommend physical therapy or acupuncture. These therapies can help you recover from your back pain.

When you have back pain, it is important that you follow your doctor’s orders carefully. Taking care of your back can help prevent further injury and complications.