May 3, 2024

This Woman Went Viral For Pouring Peroxide Into Her Ears To “Clean” Them, So I Spoke To A Doctor – Yahoo! Voices


It seems like every other day, I see something on TikTok that teaches me something new about this weird skin suit we call the human body, and — wouldn’t ya know it — it’s happened again!

BBC Studios

This time, it was Ayisha Friedman-Negrín’s (aka @ayishafrita) TikTok showing how she “properly” cleans her ears by pouring hydrogen peroxide into them. So far, it’s been viewed over 14 million times:

In the video, she pours the peroxide into her ear and let’s it “sizzl…….

It seems like every other day, I see something on TikTok that teaches me something new about this weird skin suit we call the human body, and — wouldn’t ya know it — it’s happened again!

BBC Studios

This time, it was Ayisha Friedman-Negrín’s (aka @ayishafrita) TikTok showing how she “properly” cleans her ears by pouring hydrogen peroxide into them. So far, it’s been viewed over 14 million times:

In the video, she pours the peroxide into her ear and let’s it “sizzle” to separate and remove the ear wax…

…and then, she tilts her head into a towel and lets it all run out.

Ayisha told BuzzFeed that her family was recommended this method by a pediatrician, and described it as “the most satisfying feeling, during and after. It feels like a cold, fizzy liquid is dissolving all of the gunk — which is what it’s doing. I love the fizzy sound, it’s my favorite part. Once you lean over and it drains out, you feel so much clearer, lighter even.”

@ayishafrita / Via

Since I absolutely despise the feeling of anything liquid in my ear, my immediate thought was, “No thanks.” BUT I was genuinely curious about whether or not cleaning your ears with peroxide is actually safe and effective (especially since it’s been established that Q-tips ain’t the business). So, I reached out to Dr. Tonia L. Farmer, MD, an ear, nose, and throat surgeon from Warren, Ohio.

Dr. Tonia told BuzzFeed that not only is this method safe, it’s actually something she uses in her own practice. “I use peroxide in my office to assist with earwax cleaning almost every day. It’s generally safe to use in the ear canal. However, I stress that peroxide shouldn’t be used if there is a hole in the eardrum from a perforation or ear tube. Using peroxide in these cases should only be done by or under the direction of a medical provider.”

For removing ear wax at home, Dr. Tonia recommends putting 5–10 drops of hydrogen peroxide into the ear canal, laying like Ayisha in the TikTok for 5 minutes. Then, you should sit up and tilt your head so the peroxide and wax can run out of your ear. She also recommends using a towel, just like Ayisha does!


And something she does NOT recommend? Q-tips. “Using [Q-tips] pushes wax deeper into the ear canal instead of removing it. Continued Q-tip use, pushing wax deeper and deeper, will eventually cause wax impaction. This can cause pain, hearing loss, and even cause a perforation or hole …….


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