May 8, 2024

Things That Can Aggravate Tinnitus

Is It For Real?

Tinnitus is rarely caused by a serious underlying condition. It comes and goes for some folks and is only a minor annoyance.

However, for some people, it can considerably interfere with everyday living and be quite stressful, reducing attention and producing issues such as sleep disorders (insomnia) and depression.

Tinnitus often improves over time, either disappearing or becoming acclimated (habituation). However, it is critical to see a doctor to determine whether the origin of the tinnitus can be identified and treated and discover solutions to the problem.

When should you see your family doctor?

If you hear frequent or repetitive sounds in your ears, such as buzzing, ringing, or humming, you should consult your primary care physician.

He can examine your ears to see if the problem is due to a treatable illness such as an ear infection or earwax buildup. He may also administer some easy tests to assess whether you have hearing loss.

Your general care physician can send you to a hospital specialist for more tests and treatment if required.

Disturbing noises

Many things can cause tinnitus or ringing in the ears. Noise is one of the most prominent examples. Loud noises, such as those produced by machines, headphones, and concerts, can result in temporary or permanent hearing loss. Could you make every effort to avoid them? Remove yourself from the situation. Put on earplugs. Reduce the volume. Don’t forget to protect your children’s ears as well.

things that can aggrevate tinnitus
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Antibiotics, antidepressants, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs), cancer drugs, diuretics, and high-dose aspirin are all on the list. Complications are more likely to occur at a higher dose. When you stop taking them, the symptoms usually go away. Consult your doctor if you believe your medications are to fault. However, do not discontinue any medication without first consulting with them.


Yes, it can amplify the sound of ringing. Look for ways to unwind and cope with stress. Exercising, deep breathing or biofeedback are all options. Massage and acupuncture can also be beneficial. If you cannot handle it on your own, your doctor may be able to provide you with relaxation techniques.

Problems with the jaw

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects your jaw to your middle ear via nerves and ligaments. Problems in this area might cause ear pain and ringing in the ears. Speaking of chewing may cause your jaw to crack. A dentist, oral surgeon, or otolaryngologist (also known as an ear, nose, and throat specialist) can diagnose and treat the ringing to prevent it from worsening.


This sticky substance is produced by the body to capture debris and protect the ears. However, it can build up and cause issues. It can cause ringing in the ears as well as temporary hearing loss. If wax has accumulated in your ears, your doctor can carefully remove it. Do not attempt to do this using cotton swabs.


The ringing may occur quickly after catching a cold. If that’s the case, it shouldn’t be a long time. If the noise persists after a week, you should consult a doctor. You could be suffering from an ear infection or a sinus infection.


To alleviate the symptoms, you may need to try an allergy medicine or adjust the medications you’re taking. Consult your allergist or primary care physician for more information.
High blood pressure

Check your blood pressure frequently if you know it is high. Your doctor can assist you in controlling it. Low blood pressure is sometimes to blame. Your doctor can also keep an eye on it.

Sleep issues

Are you constantly exhausted? Tinnitus can be triggered or worsened as a result of this. Make it a point to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. Consult your doctor if you need assistance falling asleep.



These two issues are inextricably linked. Tinnitus can be exacerbated by pain if it prevents you from sleeping and raises your stress level. If you treat the migraine, the ringing may go away as well.


Alcohol can raise your blood pressure, making you more sensitive to ringing. Reduce your alcohol consumption and see if it improves the ringing.


Get rid of the habit. Nicotine in cigarettes and other items can aggravate your tinnitus. Cigarette smoking might constrict the blood arteries that deliver oxygen to your ears. It can also induce an increase in blood pressure.


Reduce your intake of coffee or cola to see if the ringing improves. Caffeine can also increase blood pressure, resulting in ringing in the ears of certain people. Reduce it and see if it makes a difference.

Anxiety and depression

They can make the noises you hear appear louder. Some of the medications you’re taking for treatment can do the same. Because tinnitus can be depressing, your doctor can help you find strategies to cope and manage your emotions.

The onset of tinnitus might be gradual or sudden. It is unknown why this happens, although it is frequently accompanied by some degree of hearing loss.

Tinnitus is frequently connected with:

hearing loss caused by ageing

repeated exposure to loud sounds causes inner-ear damage

a buildup of earwax

an infection in the middle ear

MΓ©niΓ¨re’s disease is an illness that causes hearing loss as well as vertigo (spinning vertigo)

Otosclerosis is an inherited disorder characterised by unusual bone growth in the middle ear, resulting in hearing loss.

However, one in every three people who suffer from tinnitus has no visible abnormalities with their ears or hearing.

Other medical conditions

Some produce ringing, while others aggravate it. Thyroid issues, anaemia, autoimmune illnesses, and anatomical difficulties in the inner ear are among them. Work with your ear Specialist to determine the reason and treatment options.

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