May 2, 2024

Can foods cause hair loss? – Medical News Today


The effect of diet on hair and scalp health is unclear. However, some studies suggest certain foods could increase the risk of hair loss, such as simple carbohydrates that include refined sugars and grains.

It is normal to lose up to 100 hairs per day. Males, and to a lesser extent, females, will typically lose more hair with age. However, there are many possible causes of atypical hair loss, ranging from certain diseases to birth control pills.

A nutritious di…….

The effect of diet on hair and scalp health is unclear. However, some studies suggest certain foods could increase the risk of hair loss, such as simple carbohydrates that include refined sugars and grains.

It is normal to lose up to 100 hairs per day. Males, and to a lesser extent, females, will typically lose more hair with age. However, there are many possible causes of atypical hair loss, ranging from certain diseases to birth control pills.

A nutritious diet can affect many aspects of how the body functions. Some diets could also influence hair and scalp health, which may lead to hair loss.

Keep reading to learn more about foods that could cause hair loss or promote hair growth.

Eating high quantities of unhealthy foods or insufficient amounts of nutritious foods could worsen hair loss.

A 2020 review of 24 studies suggested that anti-inflammatory diets, such as the Mediterranean diet, can promote hair health and prevent hair loss. The Mediterranean diet comprises many nutrient-rich foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and olive oil.

However, while nutritious anti-inflammatory foods could promote hair growth, limited evidence suggests less nutritious inflammatory foods may cause hair loss.

For example, some evidence indicates excess consumption of simple carbohydrates could indirectly lead to inflammation that might worsen excess hair loss in women. Simple carbohydrates include foods such as refined sugars and grains.

A 2019 case study looking at two females transitioning to menopause suggested that the hair loss they experienced had possible links to eating tuna, a fish high in mercury. The authors concluded that further research into this was necessary.

Currently, existing research points more towards certain foods and nutrients being able to boost hair health than causing hair loss directly.

Foods with a potentially negative effect on hair health and growth include:

Simple carbohydrates

A 2016 study suggested that diets rich in simple carbohydrates may contribute to hair loss.

The authors suggest eating simple carbohydrates increases sebum production, an oily substance that the glands attached to hair follicles release. While sebum is beneficial for hair health, excess amounts can lead to inflammation that is harmful to hair health.

Sugary foods also cause the pancreas to increase the production of the hormone insulin, which negatively affects blood vessels in the scalp.

People should avoid eating …….


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