May 17, 2024

Can earwax build-up cause hearing loss? –

Is hearing loss caused by earwax build-up a big problem?

If you’ve ever experienced earwax build-up, or ‘earwax impaction’, then you’ve probably noticed that your hearing can become diminished and muffled.

According to Peter Rea, president of The British Society of Otology, earwax build-up is a primary but reversible cause of hearing loss. Unfortunately, it often goes missed and untreated. As a result, earwax build-up is the most common cause of conductive hearing loss.


Is hearing loss caused by earwax build-up a big problem?

If you’ve ever experienced earwax build-up, or ‘earwax impaction’, then you’ve probably noticed that your hearing can become diminished and muffled.

According to Peter Rea, president of The British Society of Otology, earwax build-up is a primary but reversible cause of hearing loss. Unfortunately, it often goes missed and untreated. As a result, earwax build-up is the most common cause of conductive hearing loss.

Hearing loss caused by earwax can happen to anyone, but it is most common among the elderly and developmentally disabled, affecting more than 30%. This can lead to other health issues and have a negative impact on quality of life if it’s left untreated.

How does earwax build-up cause hearing loss?

Earwax, also known as cerumen, is an important and natural part of your body’s defences. It protects your ear by trapping dead skin, dirt and other particles so that they can’t enter deeper into the ear canal. It also slows the growth of bacteria.

Normally, earwax comes out of the ear naturally. But sometimes the earwax becomes lodged in the ear canal, blocking it partially or completely. This blockage can become a problem, impairing hearing and causing other health issues.

What are the symptoms and effects of hearing loss?

The signs of earwax build-up and blockage include:

Hearing loss can itself also have serious and long-lasting health implications. Research suggests that there is a strong connection between hearing loss and cognitive decline. One 2013 study found that people experiencing hearing loss have a 30-40% accelerated rate of cognitive decline and a 24% increased risk of incident cognitive impairment, compared to those with good hearing.

For Rea, this is particularly concerning for the older population, where hearing loss affects over two thirds of people aged over 65 years. For too many elderly people, earwax build-up can be a slippery slope, whereby the resultant hearing loss leads to cognitive decline as well as social isolation.

This can be particularly problematic for the 55 million people worldwide living with dementia. As dementia can affect a person’s ability to speak, it may be hard for them to tell someone about their symptoms and the earwax build-up can remain untreated. With the resultant loss of hearing, cognitive issues may worsen and behavioural issues can arise.

How can hearing loss caused by earwax be treated?

Many people experience a recurrence in earwax build-up, with some needing to treat the problem every 6-8 months. As a result, some GPs recommend using ear drops, such as olive oil drops or drops from your pharmacist, on a regular basis. The aim of this treatment is to loosen and break up the compounded earwax. However, there is no …….
