May 19, 2024

7 Healthy Eating Habits for the Holidays, Say Dietitians — Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That


There always seems to be a heavy dusting of guilt and shame that happens when the holidays roll around each year. Between Thanksgiving being a holiday solely dedicated to eating food, and all of the holiday parties that pop up during the Christmas season, many people seem to thin…….

There always seems to be a heavy dusting of guilt and shame that happens when the holidays roll around each year. Between Thanksgiving being a holiday solely dedicated to eating food, and all of the holiday parties that pop up during the Christmas season, many people seem to think there are only two options—ignore all the delicious food and try to eat healthily, or forget eating healthy and completely indulge.

The truth is, as Hannah Montana once said, you can have the best of both worlds. It is possible to enjoy all the holiday season has to offer and stay healthy through the process. It’s all about setting healthy eating habits during the holidays that will leave you feeling satisfied and good in your body—instead of overindulging and feeling groggy.

We spoke with registered dietitians to determine a few healthy eating habits you can follow this that will keep you feeling your best while still enjoying all of the deliciousness that the holiday season brings! Then, for some healthy eating inspiration, check out our list of the 100 Easiest Recipes You Can Make.


Instead of focusing on negative self-talk—like trying to “avoid” certain foods—find positive ways to approach your meals that will make you feel healthy in the process.

“Think about what you can add to your eating plan as opposed to what you should take away,” says Lisa Young, PhD, RDN, author Finally Full, Finally Slim, and a member of our medical expert board. “For example, by being positive, and focusing on adding more healthier produce, you may no longer even want the junk food anymore.”

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Instead of saying you can’t have something, why not fit it into a holistic eating plan you can feel good about?

“Everyone deserves to splurge on their favorite holiday goodies, the key is that spurging does not become a way of life for the next two months,” says Amy Goodson, MS, RD, CSSD, LD, author of The Sports Nutrition Playbook and a member of our medical expert board. “The 80/20 rule can help you keep some balance in your holiday routine while still enjoying what you love. The goal is to fill up on nutrient-rich food 80% of the time. This includes high-fiber carbohydrates, lean protein, healthy fat, dairy, fruit, and vegetables. And don’t forget that exercise routine as well! Then 20% of the time splurge on those comfort foods and satisfying desserts that only come around once a year. If the majority of the time you are fueling your body with nutrient-rich foods, …….


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