May 18, 2024

Does a bone density test show arthritis? – Medical News Today


A bone density test does not indicate arthritis but suggests a person’s bone strength. Doctors use it to diagnose osteoporosis, a condition where the bones weaken and become prone to fractures.

Since arthritis is a condition that affects the joints, a bone density test …….

A bone density test does not indicate arthritis but suggests a person’s bone strength. Doctors use it to diagnose osteoporosis, a condition where the bones weaken and become prone to fractures.

Since arthritis is a condition that affects the joints, a bone density test is not a tool that doctors use to diagnose the condition. However, they may recommend the test for people with rheumatoid arthritis because they have a higher incidence of osteoporosis than the general population.

This article discusses bone density tests and whether they may be necessary for a person with arthritis. We also examine other arthritis diagnostic tests and other uses for a bone density test.

A bone density test is a painless procedure similar to an X-ray that requires no preparation. The screening takes around 15 minutes and measures the strength, or mineral density, of bone in the hip and lumbar spine.

Doctors may recommend a peripheral bone density test for screening purposes to determine if a standard bone density test is necessary for some individuals. A peripheral test measures bone density in the:

A bone density test determines whether people may have osteoporosis, a condition involving weakened bones and a higher risk of fractures. The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion states that because osteoporosis has no symptoms, a person may not know they have the condition until they break a bone.

The results of a bone density test commonly consist of a T-score, which compares someone’s bone density with that of a healthy person.

Scores in the “+” range mean an individual has a higher than average bone density, while a score in the “-” range means they have a lower than average bone density. Therefore, the lower the score, the lower the bone density. The scoring system is as follows:

  • Normal: A T-score between +1 and -1.
  • Low bone density: A T-score between -1 and -2.5.
  • Osteoporosis: A T-score of -2.5 or lower.

Bone density test scores do not indicate arthritis, which is an inflammatory condition of the joints. However, a doctor may order this screening for rheumatoid arthritis because people with arthritis also tend to have low bone mineral density.

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), individuals with rheumatoid arthritis have a higher risk of osteoporosis due to:

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