May 18, 2024

Hearing Solutions Specialist In Malaga, Sontec, Shares The Secrets Of Treating Tinnitus – Spanish News Today


Have you ever heard that ringing in your ears? It’s tinnitus, and can lead to hearing loss and other health problems. The good news is it’s treatable

Tinnitus is that really annoying, constant ringing sound you hear inside your ear but which doesn’t actually have any external source. Sufferers often complain of hearing a ringing, buzzing or high-pitched noise either temporarily or all the time. In fact, it is said to get worse when there is absolute silence.


Have you ever heard that ringing in your ears? It’s tinnitus, and can lead to hearing loss and other health problems. The good news is it’s treatable

Tinnitus is that really annoying, constant ringing sound you hear inside your ear but which doesn’t actually have any external source. Sufferers often complain of hearing a ringing, buzzing or high-pitched noise either temporarily or all the time. In fact, it is said to get worse when there is absolute silence.


If you have tinnitus, say the experts at Centro Auditivo Sontec in Fuengirola, Malaga, it is essential to consult a hearing specialist to get a checkup and seek treatment.


How common is tinnitus and is it dangerous?


It’s estimated that around 4 million people in Spain suffer from tinnitus, according to the Spanish Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery (SEORL-CCC). Tinnitus cases are usually, but not always, related to hearing loss and can also cause other serious problems such as sleep disruption, stress, anxiety and depression.


Many people report experiencing “normal” tinnitus, called transient tinnitus that typically lasts less than a minute and goes away on its own.


However, most people with significant tinnitus report that it is constant and that they hear it almost all the time, especially when there is a lot of loud noise or when they are stressed or fatigued.


Research indicates that 70-92% of tinnitus sufferers show some degree of hearing loss in tests, although approximately 60% of them do not believe they have hearing loss. The most common factors associated with tinnitus are: noise-induced hearing loss, presbycusis and Ménière’s syndrome.


What can you do if you have tinnitus?


Luckily, tinnitus is treatable, and there are many highly effective solutions to help you live with tinnitus without having it disrupt your day-to-day life. Unfortunately, only around 10-20% of people with tinnitus seek medical help.


Millions of people around the world suffer from tinnitus, but not all of them require extensive professional care. As a result, there will be some treatments that work and others that don’t.


One of the most commonly used tinnitus treatments is a relaxation technique and fitting hearing aids to improve their hearing loss. Hearing aids cannot perceive the hum or whistle that each individual hears; they have a built-in bank of sounds of ocean noises, waterfalls, a breeze or any other similar type of white noise, the frequencies of which often coincide with those of tinnitus and are much more pleasant than the whine of tinnitus.


Another treatment is called TAS therapy, …….


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