May 1, 2024

How to Deal With Hair Loss After a Miscarriage – Allure


What occurs to and inside our bodies impacts our mind, and how our mind reacts can, in turn, impact what occurs to and inside of our bodies.

“All you have to do is go back to embryology — the skin and the brain, or the central nervous system, are formed by the same layer of cells,” explains Wechsler. “So of course they’re inter-connected; they have multiple vascular and nerve interconnections because they’re actually created from the same layer of cells from early on in an embryo form…….

What occurs to and inside our bodies impacts our mind, and how our mind reacts can, in turn, impact what occurs to and inside of our bodies.

“All you have to do is go back to embryology — the skin and the brain, or the central nervous system, are formed by the same layer of cells,” explains Wechsler. “So of course they’re inter-connected; they have multiple vascular and nerve interconnections because they’re actually created from the same layer of cells from early on in an embryo formation.”

How can I treat post-miscarriage hair loss?

While it’s common to have a visceral reaction to unexpected and unwanted hair loss, it’s best to keep in mind that any hair loss as a result of a traumatic event, i.e. miscarriage, is not likely permanent.

“Know that it’s just going to be temporary,” Wechsler explains. “So just having hope and knowing that the woman is not going bald. Women worry, like, ‘Oh my god I’m losing all my hair.’ You’re not. Know that you’re not — it’s temporary.”

Easier said than done, of course, which is why Wechsler also suggests some arguably more practical solutions that could help stimulate hair growth and slow down the amount of hairs that shift from the transition phase to the resting and shedding phase.

“Getting enough sleep is very key,” she says. “We heal in our sleep.” Cortisol, also known as the “stress hormone,” is at its lowest in a person’s body when they’re sleeping, while the pituitary gland releases the highest number of growth hormones, allowing a person’s body to heal and grow. Finding other ways to minimize cortisol output in the body, be it exercising, connecting with a friend or family member, breathing exercises, meditating, or listening to music can also be very helpful.

Iron deficiencies have also been associated with hair loss, and as some people lose a significant amount of blood during miscarriage, it may be helpful to “make sure you’re not anemic by [running] some labs, checking your thyroid,” Wechsler suggests. If so, those issues can easily be rectified by medications and other diet changes that your doctor can recommend.

While some suggest taking biotin, a B vitamin, to stimulate hair growth, Wechsler says “there are some studies that show it does help hair growth, and there are some studies that show it doesn’t do much.” She adds that “it certainly can’t hurt, so taking a little biotin every day” can also be an option. Just make sure to talk to your doctor first, as you should when adding any sort of supplement to your routine. A 2015 study suggested rosemary oil may also stimulate hair growth, possibly “due to rosemary oil’s enhancement of microcapillary perfusion,” explains …….


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