May 1, 2024

Is It Safe to Put Hydrogen Peroxide in Your Ear? 6 Steps & Oral Health Benefits – MedicineNet


Since hydrogen peroxide is potent at breaking down earwax, it is a popular ingredient in ear drops. However, overuse of this chemical can cause ear pain and inflammation.

Hydrogen peroxide is a popular ingredient in ear drops used to treat ear infections and earwax removal (cerumen). It is safe when used carefully as directed by your healthcare provider. However, the use …….

Since hydrogen peroxide is potent at breaking down earwax, it is a popular ingredient in ear drops. However, overuse of this chemical can cause ear pain and inflammation.

Hydrogen peroxide is a popular ingredient in ear drops used to treat ear infections and earwax removal (cerumen). It is safe when used carefully as directed by your healthcare provider. However, the use of this chemical must be restricted to the prescribed concentration and frequency.

Hydrogen peroxide is a potent oxidizing agent and may cause skin irritation and rashes in some people, especially when used at high concentrations. At concentrations over 10 percent, it can even cause burns and blistering. Overuse of hydrogen peroxide can also cause ear pain and inflammation.

Other side effects of excessive hydrogen peroxide use include:

Additionally, hydrogen peroxide may cause residual bubbling in the ears that can interfere with ear examinations. So, avoid using this chemical if you have an ear infection or a perforated eardrum unless your doctor asks you to do so.

How do you use hydrogen peroxide to remove earwax?

Hydrogen peroxide is a potent cerumenolytic agent (chemicals that break down ear wax and help remove it). When using this chemical to remove earwax, consider the following: 

Things you need:

  • Three percent hydrogen peroxide solution
  • A medicine dropper
  • A soft cloth or a towel

How to use hydrogen peroxide in the ear:

  1. Fill a small amount of three percent hydrogen peroxide in a medicine dropper.
  2. Tilt your head to one side and add two to three drops of hydrogen peroxide in your ear with the help of the dropper. You may get help from someone to do this.
  3. Keep your head tilted so the ear in which you dropped the solution stays upright.
  4. Stay in this position for four to five minutes. You may feel some fizzing in the affected ear as the wax gets dissolved in the peroxide solution.
  5. Slowly turn your head against the soft cloth or towel to drain out the solution and excess earwax.
  6. Clean your ear with a soft cloth or a hand towel. Ensure that you dry the outer ear with a clean cloth or towel.

What are some other ways to clean earwax at home?

Generally, cleaning your ears is not needed because they can clean themselves. Earwax is a protective substance produced within the ear that serves several important functions, such as preventing inner ear infections, acting as a natural moisturizer, and trapping dust and dirt. The wax migrates …….


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