May 18, 2024

Neck Pain, Headaches and the Process of Discovery – Massage Magazine


How do we understand causes of headache? The deeper our contextual and background knowledge, the more likely it will be that our treatment protocols will be in alignment with physiologic principles that will lead to better outcomes

The purpose of this article is twofold. First and for…….

How do we understand causes of headache? The deeper our contextual and background knowledge, the more likely it will be that our treatment protocols will be in alignment with physiologic principles that will lead to better outcomes

The purpose of this article is twofold. First and foremost, I wish to explore an interesting research article that illuminates the possible relationship of neck pain and headaches. The second goal is to share insights into the process of discovery and research itself.

When first presented with the opportunity to author this article, I had an idea of researching and writing an article about a specific type of headache presentation. Formulating the ideas, I began digging through the literature by doing a deep dive into several research databases and found a few promising articles with relevant and useful information. As I was gathering background data on headache prevalence, I found myself exploring the reference section of one of the articles I had chosen and found an article that captured my attention. It made my effort diverge in a different direction.

This is a common occurrence for me when I am exploring research; on the way to one destination, I end up in an entirely different but valuable place. Like so much in life, the greatest blessings are the ones you weren’t looking for; and you find them in surprising places. Moreover, many of the insights that have been pivotal in my understanding came from exploring the research literature of fields outside massage therapy.

These surprising discoveries most often happen when exploring the references listed at the end of research papers. Early references explain the foundation and underpinnings of the article. Where did the authors get their ideas? What other papers inspired them to pursue the line of research they chose? Is the paper an attempt to fill a clear gap in the research literature? Or, are the authors building on a line of research and further exploring ideas that inspired them?

Understanding that background information is helpful in understanding the greater context of the paper. By exploring the reference section, you are therefore likely to find other published papers that approach the topic (or related topics) in ways you had not previously considered.

This is important because seldom will you find a paper that perfectly addresses the information gap you are trying to fill. Even when you are lucky enough to find such an ideal paper, it is important to keep in mind that this is just one finding and the goal is to explore as many papers/viewpoints as possible to come to a solid conclusion.

In essence, the process of research exploration is messy and non-linear, but so is learning itself. It takes time and patience, but the journey …….


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